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Track and Field

Parent Meeting 1/14 - Information for parents

Below is a copy of the slides Coach Draughon used as an outline for the meeting.

Pay attention to the schedule.  2/14 is an important team time trial meet.  The first week of Spring Break, ALL track athletes need to be here for competing.  The second week of Spring Break is a great time for a vacation UNLESS athletes have qualified for the Arcadia Invitational.

Parents need to handle the following ASAP:

  1. Handle athletic clearance. - list of cleared athletes below
  2. Sign Season Parent Contract - found below
  3. Pay $300 Fair Share - PayPal code below
  4. Get warmups unless athletes already have them.  Store closes 1/21.
  5. Athletes need appropriate shoes for training and competing.

FAQ Answers:

  1. Are there tryouts and can athletes be cut from the roster?  We do have tryouts, but our intention is to find a spot for each athlete who shows up and attends practices regularly, follows coach instructions, and demonstrates they have a coachable attitude and can be a positive member of a team.
  2. When will practices be during season?  Mostly, we practice M/T/Th/F 4-6 PM.  Wednesdays, different event groups have slightly different times.  Mostly practices are 3-5 PM or 4-6 PM on Wednesdays.  Distance practices at 6:00 or 6:30 AM on Wednesdays.  Some select groups have practices at different times on other days, but those do not affect the majority of athletes. 
  3. Can an athlete start practice without athletic clearance or the Parent Contract?  No - An athlete must have clearance and a signed parent contract on file to start the season.  Parents also have to have paid the fair share or had a conversation with PSG about the fair share so that we have funding to start practices.

2025 Season QR Code for Paying Fair Shares

Use this QR Code to pay fair shares.  Please cover the cost of the fee and then email a screenshot of your receipt to Ami Paradise at

Track and Field PayPal 24:25.png


Information Meetings

11/5 - Lunch in 511 with Coach Draughon; Info for new athletes interested in T&F Winter Training and Spring Season

12/4 - Parent Meeting in the PAC at 7 PM; Info about Spring T&F Season

1/14 - REQUIRED Parent Meeting for the parents of ALL athletes planning to participate in Spring T&F 2025

1/21 - Start of Spring; Signed Parent Contract and Fair Share Donation turned in at Parent Meeting on 1/14

Winter Training Information

Below is the Winter training Schedule.  High School athletes need to be athletically cleared, and bring their signed waivers plus payment, or screenshot of PayPal payment, with them on the first day of training.  Middle School athletes just need the signed waivers and payment.  Contact Coach Draughon with questions.

Coaches' Names:
Head Coach - Coach Draughon
Distance - Coach Fatima and Coach Draughon
High Jump - Coach JR
Horizontal Jumps - Coach Karin
Pole  Vault - Coach Garner
Sprints - Coach Mike and Coach Erik with help from Coach Z
Throws - Coach Noon and Coach Z

Remind Codes for Event Groups

Distance: @gotfdist
High Jump: @gohighjump
Horizontal Jumps: @g467hd
Pole Vault: @f6f473
Sprints: @gohssprint
Throws: @GOthrows25

GO Athletic Administration

Anthony Califano

Anthony Califano

Asst. Principal/Athletic Administrator

Phone: 951-294-6450 ext 23026

Eric Morton

Eric Morton

Assistant Athletic Director

Phone: (951) 294-6450 ext. 23712

Mary  Rose

Mary Rose

Athletics/Activities Secretary

Phone: (951) 294-6450 x23058